"The Holy Bible, All Of The Sciences, And the Origin Of All Creation!"
My wonderful wife asked me,"how do you reconcile the absolute fact of what exists with the Bible? For instance," Do you really believe the Universe and All Life was Created in (6) days by God? We read in the book of Genesis the Creation account. Great question wouldn't you say? So I ask myself,"Self, where do I start?" I have decided to start with the worlds top authorities:
My first choice is Simon Conway Morris in a interview with the Christian Post, 05/14/2007.
Simon Conway Morris, a British paleontologist and professor of evolutionary paleobiology at Cambridge University, is proving the synergy that can come from science and faith. He recently received the Trotter Prize on Apr. 23 - an award given to those that have excelled in “origins” studies.
CP: I first wanted to address how science relates to your faith. You are world renowned for your work on early evolution, specifically on fossils during the Cambrian “explosion” (an era in time where life began to expand rapidly and “explode”). Some religious people might say that this kind of research work does not mix well with religion. What is your take on that? Do you think that science has helped you understand your faith more, or helped prove God to you? Or do you feel that the two things are more just complimentary to one another?
Morris: Much more of the latter. I mean, it’s complimentary as much in that we live in a highly organized universe, which rather mysteriously we can actually understand some parts of. So one’s really interested in the way in which the structure of the universe and the way they fall out, especially in biology which is being regarded, I suppose, as a little more intractable than physics and chemistry which says “we’ll look at the periodic table or the Big Bang and those sorts of things.” One can see some correspondence to theological discussion whereas biology of course has been regarded as more immune to general rules and principles. Of course the irony is that is the only part of the universe that can understand itself, and it leads onto a discussion beyond that. So yes, in a nutshell, what I’m not trying to do is ‘find proof’ in the way that, for example, colleagues in intelligent design are trying to do. I think that’s a complete waste of time.
Stephen Hawking:
LONDON — Did creation need a creator?
British physicist and mathematician Stephen Hawking says no, arguing in his new book that there need not be a God behind the creation of the universe.
The concept is explored in "The Grand Design," excerpts of which were printed in the British newspaper The Times on Thursday. The book, written with fellow physicist Leonard Mlodinow, is scheduled to be published by Bantam Press on Sept. 9.
"The Grand Design," which the publishers call Hawking's first major work in nearly a decade, challenges Isaac Newton's theory God must have been involved in creation because our solar system couldn't have come out of chaos simply through nature.
But Hawking says it isn't that simple. To understand the universe, it's necessary to know both how and why it behaves the way it does, calling the pursuit "the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
I hope you enjoy the journey....
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