Well now... I don't know about the sky falling but does the world feel all warm and fuzzy to you right now? I am not a DOOM and GLOOM kinda guy. I am a realist if I had to describe myself. I am the kinda guy that runs on human emotion, feeling, seeing, tasting, touching and smelling my way through this life. If that makes me a bit odd, angry, pist off, HEY EVERYONE!!! WAKE UP!!! kinda guy... then Oh Well! I like to think if some bad S!? coming down the tracks that just maybe it would be a good idea to let everyone know about it. That being said..."WARNING!!!" The Black Train is rolling down the tracks fast with its whistle blowing!!! One might ask themselves...what black train? Great question!!! THE BIG BLACK TRAIN CALLED WAR! So what,,,Right?..Who Cares?...Right? WELL! I think it is important to be aware of all that is going on in our world because it effects ALL of us.Just because some of us are comfortable today does not mean we will always be so Fat and Happy, TOUGH TIMES AHEAD!!!...That is what I am saying. Anyway here are a few pics to remind us of how vulnerable we ALL are... seeing should be believing...Right?

ALL is not well in paradise...
By the Henry Chicken Hawk...
I suggest we ALL read our Bibles...If it was true what some say about the Bible being written by men to control men...WELL!!!... IT'S NOT WORKING! Almighty God say's WE ARE TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER!
34A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
Well now... I don't know about the sky falling but does the world feel all warm and fuzzy to you right now? I am not a DOOM and GLOOM kinda guy. I am a realist if I had to describe myself. I am the kinda guy that runs on human emotion, feeling, seeing, tasting, touching and smelling my way through this life. If that makes me a bit odd, angry, pist off, HEY EVERYONE!!! WAKE UP!!! kinda guy... then Oh Well! I like to think if some bad S!? coming down the tracks that just maybe it would be a good idea to let everyone know about it. That being said..."WARNING!!!" The Black Train is rolling down the tracks fast with its whistle blowing!!! One might ask themselves...what black train? Great question!!! THE BIG BLACK TRAIN CALLED WAR! So what,,,Right?..Who Cares?...Right? WELL! I think it is important to be aware of all that is going on in our world because it effects ALL of us.Just because some of us are comfortable today does not mean we will always be so Fat and Happy, TOUGH TIMES AHEAD!!!...That is what I am saying. Anyway here are a few pics to remind us of how vulnerable we ALL are... seeing should be believing...Right?

ALL is not well in paradise...
By the Henry Chicken Hawk...
I suggest we ALL read our Bibles...If it was true what some say about the Bible being written by men to control men...WELL!!!... IT'S NOT WORKING! Almighty God say's WE ARE TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER!
John 13:34 (King James Version)
34A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
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