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Saturday, December 3, 2011


Please read along with Rev. Ed Sarnella now performing Christian Wedding Ceremonies in Austin Texas...:)

Saint Matthew the Evangelist

Saint Matthew and the Angel
by Guido Reni
Apostle, Evangelist, Martyr

Matthew the Evangelist (מתי/מתתיהו, "Gift of Yahweh", Standard Hebrew and Tiberian Hebrew: Mattay or Mattithyahu; Septuagint Greek: Ματθαῖος, Matthaios) was, according to the Bible, one of the twelve Apostles of Jesus and one of the four Evangelists.

The Gospel According to Matthew (Greek: κατὰ Ματθαῖον εὐαγγέλιον, kata Matthaion euangelion, τὸ εὐαγγέλιον κατὰ Ματθαῖον, to euangelion kata Matthaion) (Gospel of Matthew or simply Matthew) is one of the four canonical gospels, one of the three synoptic gospels, and the first book of the New Testament. It tells of the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. The version we have today was written in Koine Greek.
"Matthew" probably originated in a Jewish-Christian community in Roman Syria towards the end of the 1st century.[1] The anonymous author probably drew on a number of sources, including the Gospel of Mark, the sayings collection known as the Q source, and material unique to his own community, as well as his own experience.[2] The narrative tells how Israel's Messiah, having been rejected by Israel (i.e., God's chosen people), withdrew into the circle of his disciples, passed judgment on those who had rejected him (so that "Israel" becomes the non-believing "Jews"), and finally sent the disciples to the Gentiles.[3]

The Grace Of God Be With You All Now and Forever...:)

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