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Monday, February 16, 2015


                                                                    Rev. Ed Sarnella                                                                      

Hey There guys, just a brief update on world events..."End times", "Eschaton", and "Last days" .
End time (also called end times, end of time, end of days, last days, final days, or eschaton) is a time period described in the eschatologies of the dominant world religions, both Abrahamic and non-Abrahamic.
The Abrahamic faiths maintain a linear cosmology, with end-time scenarios containing themes of transformation and redemption. In Judaism, the term "end of days" makes reference to the Messianic Age, and includes an in-gathering of the exiled diaspora, the coming of the mashiacholam haba, and resurrection of the TsadikimChristianity traditionally depicts the end time as a period of tribulation that precedes the second coming of Christ, who will face the emergence of the Antichrist and usher in the Kingdom of God. However, some Christians believe that the end time represents the personal tribulation experienced before they are enlightened with the Word of God.[1] In Islam, theYawm al-Qiyāmah or Yawm ad-Din, the Day of Judgement, is preceded by the appearance of the Mahdi atop a white stallion. With the help of Isa (Jesus), the Mahdi will then triumph over Masih ad-Dajjal (the false messiah).
Non-Abrahamic faiths have more cyclical world-views, with end-time eschatologies characterized by decay, redemption and rebirth. In Hinduism, end time is foretold[by whom?] as when Kalki, the final incarnation of Vishnu, descends atop a white horse and brings an end to the current Kali Yuga. In Buddhism, the Buddha predicted that his teachings would be forgotten after 5,000 years, followed by turmoil. A bodhisattva named Maitreya will appear and rediscover the teaching of dharma. The ultimate destruction of the world will then come through seven suns.
Grace Abound...;)

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