Sharing The Living Word Of God By His Servants The Prophets...Please Read them All, GOD IS REVEALING HIS SON JESUS CHRIST TO THE WHOLE WORLD," Isaiah 45:23 KJV
"I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth [in] righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear." Read Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi...
"I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth [in] righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear." Read Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi...
From the album: Wall Photos
By Ed Sarnella
Please Read...Very Important Scripture BEING FULFILLED NOW:
“THOUGHT FOR THE DAY!” by Pastor Robert Oliver 4/7/11
Hosea 12:4 says “YEA, HE HAD POWER OVER THE ANGEL, AND PREVAILED: HE WEPT, AND MADE SUPPLICATION UNTO HIM: HE FOUND HIM IN BETHEL, AND THERE HE SPAKE WITH US!” Oh Me Oh My Beloved Believers, What an Amazing Portion of Holy Writ We Have Here today! The Prophet Hosea, has Been Warning the Children of ISRAEL, Concerning Their Idolatry, and the Impending Judgment that was Coming; and Indeed, the King of Assyria was About to Deploy his Vast Forces “Against” the Northern Kingdom, the 10 Tribes of ISRAEL; But Here in vs 4, GOD, through the prophets pen, “REMINDS” HIS People, of a Certain Incident, Which took Place some 1014 Years Ago! The Year was 1739 BC, and the Man Jacob, Whose Name would Become “ISRAEL”, Spent an Entire Night “Wrestling” With an “ANGEL!” Now, Why is this Significant? Well, it’s Because of What Jacob “Achieved” for the Children of ISRAEL “That” Night! Listen Now, GOD is Attempting to “CALL” HIS People “Back” to HIMSELF! And HE is “Reminding” Them of What HE “PROMISED” to JACOB & HIS Descendants! I Want to Give You “8” Incredible Truths from vs 4 today: first, Notice “WHAT” Jacob Had! Hosea writes “YEA, HE HAD POWER!” Now, Wait a Minute, Why Did Jacob Have “Power?” Or Maybe I Should Ask, Why Does “ISRAEL” Have “POWER” today? Why is it, that the “SMALLEST” of All Nations, CANNOT Be Destroyed by “ANY” NATION? Listen Carefully to the Answer: It’s Because “GOD GAVE IT TO JACOB!” YAWEH “CHOSE” to Work “Through” the NATION OF ISRAEL, and HE Has NOT CHANGED HIS MIND! But Secondly, Notice “WHO” He Had POWER With! Hosea says “YEA, HE HAD POWER OVER THE ANGEL!” What? Did You Hear That? Listen, Jacob was Human, the ANGEL Was Supernatural! And What’s More than that, This Was No Ordinary ANGEL, this was “THE ANGEL OF THE LORD!” Listen Now, What Jacob Encountered That Night is Called a “THEOPHANY” or a “CHRISTOPHANY!” It’s a Pre-Incarnate “Appearance” of THE SECOND PERSON of the GODHEAD! We Find these DIVINE Appearances All Through the OT, and Jacob was Privileged with a Particularly “Special” One, Because of What He Accomplished for the Nation of ISRAEL That Night! But Thirdly, Notice “WHAT” He Achieved! Hosea says “YEA, HE HAD POWER OVER THE ANGEL, AND PREVAILED!” Oh My, Did You Catch That? THE SON OF GOD “LET” Jacob “WIN” the Wrestling Match! But Why? Think with Me Dear One; JESUS CHRIST Came to DO THE WILL OF THE FATHER! And the FATHER’S WILL WAS FOR “ISRAEL” to “PREVAIL” in HIS PLANS & PURPOSES! Listen to me, If “Jacob” FAILED That Night, The BLESSING OF ABRAHAM, & ISAAC Could NOT HAVE BEEN PASSED ON to the TWELVE PATRIARCHS! The SEED OF ABRAHAM “THROUGH” DAVID Could NOT HAVE CONTINUED! But it DID! Fourthly, Notice “WHAT” Jacob Did! Hosea says “YEA, HE HAD POWER OVER THE ANGEL, AND PREVAILED: HE WEPT!” Oh Glory, the Scripture is Careful to Note, that JACOB “WEPT!” And Why Did Jacob WEEP? Answer: Because HE Was BEGGING GOD to “BLESS” ISRAEL! Beloved, Let me Ask You, Do You WEEP Before GOD? I Mean Do You Pour Out Your Heart to HIM, Do You Seek HIS “BLESSING” Like Jacob Did? Genesis 32:26 says “AND JACOB SAID, I WILL NOT LET THEE GO, EXCEPT THOU BLESS ME!” Saints, We Need to Mean Business With GOD When We Bow Before HIM and Seek HIS BLESSINGS! But Fifthly, Notice What “ELSE” He Did! Hosea writes “YEA, HE HAD POWER OVER THE ANGEL, AND PREVAILED: HE WEPT, AND MADE SUPPLICATION!” Oh Yes Brethren, Jacob did Not Only Pray, But He Made “SUPPLICATION!” Old John R. Rice Once said “PRAYER IS ASKING, SUPPLICATION IS BEGGING!” See Beloved, the BIBLE says that “JESUS MADE SUPPLICATION WITH STRONG CRYING & TEARS TO HIM WHO HEARD HIM!” But Sixthly, Notice “WHO” Jacob Prayed TO! Hosea says “YEA, HE HAD POWER OVER THE ANGEL, AND PREVAILED: HE WEPT, AND MADE SUPPLICATION UNTO HIM!” What? Did You Hear That? The Text Says that Jacob “PRAYED” UNTO “HIM” THE ANGEL! Listen Now, Jacob Understood “WHO” He Was Wrestling With! He Knew that This ANGEL Was “GOD” HIMSELF! Therefore, He “PRAYS” UNTO HIM! Genesis 32:30 says “AND JACOB CALLED THE NAME OF THAT PLACE PENEIL: FOR I HAVE SEEN GOD FACE TO FACE, AND MY LIFE IS PRESERVED!” He Knew WHO He Was PRAYING TO! But Seventhly, Notice “WHERE” HE FOUND GOD! Hosea writes “YEA, HE HAD POWER OVER THE ANGEL, AND PREVAILED: HE WEPT, AND MADE SUPPLICATION UNTO HIM: HE FOUND HIM IN BETHEL!” Oh I Love This! Do You Know What “Bethel” Means in Hebrew? It Means “HOUSE OF GOD!” Beloved, Listen to Me, There’s Nothing Like MEETING GOD “IN HIS HOUSE!” Oh Yes, GOD Will Speak to You IN HIS HOUSE, HE’LL BLESS YOU IN HIS HOUSE, HE’LL STRENGTHEN YOU IN HIS HOUSE! But How Many today are Forsaking HIS HOUSE? Hey, if a Soldier Fails to Show up for Duty, He is AWOL, and they Come Looking for him! But Oh How Many of GOD’S Soldiers are Absent Without Leave today From HIS HOUSE? Jacob MET GOD AT “BETHEL!” But Eighthly, Notice “WHAT” GOD DID! Hosea says “YEA, HE HAD POWER OVER THE ANGEL, AND PREVAILED: HE WEPT, AND MADE SUPPLICATION UNTO HIM: HE FOUND HIM IN BETHEL, AND THERE HE SPAKE WITH US!” Oh Don’t Miss This In Closing Beloved Believers: Hosea Suddenly Turns His Attention “From” Jacob, and Focuses In On The Children of ISRAEL to Whom He Has Been Preaching for 12 Chapters! He Says of Bethel “AND THERE HE SPAKE WITH US!” He’s Saying, The MESSAGE OF BLESSING That Old Jacob Received, Was “FOR US!” He’s Attempting to Get the ISRAELITES to LOOK UP, and Realize, that GOD HAD SO BLESSED THEM, that there was NO OTHER OPTION But to RETURN UNTO HIM!!! So My Word today, FLEE FROM IDOLS LITTLE CHILDREN, AND SERVE OUR GREAT GOD!!! Blessings to All, Shalom!
“THOUGHT FOR THE DAY!” by Pastor Robert Oliver 4/7/11
Hosea 12:4 says “YEA, HE HAD POWER OVER THE ANGEL, AND PREVAILED: HE WEPT, AND MADE SUPPLICATION UNTO HIM: HE FOUND HIM IN BETHEL, AND THERE HE SPAKE WITH US!” Oh Me Oh My Beloved Believers, What an Amazing Portion of Holy Writ We Have Here today! The Prophet Hosea, has Been Warning the Children of ISRAEL, Concerning Their Idolatry, and the Impending Judgment that was Coming; and Indeed, the King of Assyria was About to Deploy his Vast Forces “Against” the Northern Kingdom, the 10 Tribes of ISRAEL; But Here in vs 4, GOD, through the prophets pen, “REMINDS” HIS People, of a Certain Incident, Which took Place some 1014 Years Ago! The Year was 1739 BC, and the Man Jacob, Whose Name would Become “ISRAEL”, Spent an Entire Night “Wrestling” With an “ANGEL!” Now, Why is this Significant? Well, it’s Because of What Jacob “Achieved” for the Children of ISRAEL “That” Night! Listen Now, GOD is Attempting to “CALL” HIS People “Back” to HIMSELF! And HE is “Reminding” Them of What HE “PROMISED” to JACOB & HIS Descendants! I Want to Give You “8” Incredible Truths from vs 4 today: first, Notice “WHAT” Jacob Had! Hosea writes “YEA, HE HAD POWER!” Now, Wait a Minute, Why Did Jacob Have “Power?” Or Maybe I Should Ask, Why Does “ISRAEL” Have “POWER” today? Why is it, that the “SMALLEST” of All Nations, CANNOT Be Destroyed by “ANY” NATION? Listen Carefully to the Answer: It’s Because “GOD GAVE IT TO JACOB!” YAWEH “CHOSE” to Work “Through” the NATION OF ISRAEL, and HE Has NOT CHANGED HIS MIND! But Secondly, Notice “WHO” He Had POWER With! Hosea says “YEA, HE HAD POWER OVER THE ANGEL!” What? Did You Hear That? Listen, Jacob was Human, the ANGEL Was Supernatural! And What’s More than that, This Was No Ordinary ANGEL, this was “THE ANGEL OF THE LORD!” Listen Now, What Jacob Encountered That Night is Called a “THEOPHANY” or a “CHRISTOPHANY!” It’s a Pre-Incarnate “Appearance” of THE SECOND PERSON of the GODHEAD! We Find these DIVINE Appearances All Through the OT, and Jacob was Privileged with a Particularly “Special” One, Because of What He Accomplished for the Nation of ISRAEL That Night! But Thirdly, Notice “WHAT” He Achieved! Hosea says “YEA, HE HAD POWER OVER THE ANGEL, AND PREVAILED!” Oh My, Did You Catch That? THE SON OF GOD “LET” Jacob “WIN” the Wrestling Match! But Why? Think with Me Dear One; JESUS CHRIST Came to DO THE WILL OF THE FATHER! And the FATHER’S WILL WAS FOR “ISRAEL” to “PREVAIL” in HIS PLANS & PURPOSES! Listen to me, If “Jacob” FAILED That Night, The BLESSING OF ABRAHAM, & ISAAC Could NOT HAVE BEEN PASSED ON to the TWELVE PATRIARCHS! The SEED OF ABRAHAM “THROUGH” DAVID Could NOT HAVE CONTINUED! But it DID! Fourthly, Notice “WHAT” Jacob Did! Hosea says “YEA, HE HAD POWER OVER THE ANGEL, AND PREVAILED: HE WEPT!” Oh Glory, the Scripture is Careful to Note, that JACOB “WEPT!” And Why Did Jacob WEEP? Answer: Because HE Was BEGGING GOD to “BLESS” ISRAEL! Beloved, Let me Ask You, Do You WEEP Before GOD? I Mean Do You Pour Out Your Heart to HIM, Do You Seek HIS “BLESSING” Like Jacob Did? Genesis 32:26 says “AND JACOB SAID, I WILL NOT LET THEE GO, EXCEPT THOU BLESS ME!” Saints, We Need to Mean Business With GOD When We Bow Before HIM and Seek HIS BLESSINGS! But Fifthly, Notice What “ELSE” He Did! Hosea writes “YEA, HE HAD POWER OVER THE ANGEL, AND PREVAILED: HE WEPT, AND MADE SUPPLICATION!” Oh Yes Brethren, Jacob did Not Only Pray, But He Made “SUPPLICATION!” Old John R. Rice Once said “PRAYER IS ASKING, SUPPLICATION IS BEGGING!” See Beloved, the BIBLE says that “JESUS MADE SUPPLICATION WITH STRONG CRYING & TEARS TO HIM WHO HEARD HIM!” But Sixthly, Notice “WHO” Jacob Prayed TO! Hosea says “YEA, HE HAD POWER OVER THE ANGEL, AND PREVAILED: HE WEPT, AND MADE SUPPLICATION UNTO HIM!” What? Did You Hear That? The Text Says that Jacob “PRAYED” UNTO “HIM” THE ANGEL! Listen Now, Jacob Understood “WHO” He Was Wrestling With! He Knew that This ANGEL Was “GOD” HIMSELF! Therefore, He “PRAYS” UNTO HIM! Genesis 32:30 says “AND JACOB CALLED THE NAME OF THAT PLACE PENEIL: FOR I HAVE SEEN GOD FACE TO FACE, AND MY LIFE IS PRESERVED!” He Knew WHO He Was PRAYING TO! But Seventhly, Notice “WHERE” HE FOUND GOD! Hosea writes “YEA, HE HAD POWER OVER THE ANGEL, AND PREVAILED: HE WEPT, AND MADE SUPPLICATION UNTO HIM: HE FOUND HIM IN BETHEL!” Oh I Love This! Do You Know What “Bethel” Means in Hebrew? It Means “HOUSE OF GOD!” Beloved, Listen to Me, There’s Nothing Like MEETING GOD “IN HIS HOUSE!” Oh Yes, GOD Will Speak to You IN HIS HOUSE, HE’LL BLESS YOU IN HIS HOUSE, HE’LL STRENGTHEN YOU IN HIS HOUSE! But How Many today are Forsaking HIS HOUSE? Hey, if a Soldier Fails to Show up for Duty, He is AWOL, and they Come Looking for him! But Oh How Many of GOD’S Soldiers are Absent Without Leave today From HIS HOUSE? Jacob MET GOD AT “BETHEL!” But Eighthly, Notice “WHAT” GOD DID! Hosea says “YEA, HE HAD POWER OVER THE ANGEL, AND PREVAILED: HE WEPT, AND MADE SUPPLICATION UNTO HIM: HE FOUND HIM IN BETHEL, AND THERE HE SPAKE WITH US!” Oh Don’t Miss This In Closing Beloved Believers: Hosea Suddenly Turns His Attention “From” Jacob, and Focuses In On The Children of ISRAEL to Whom He Has Been Preaching for 12 Chapters! He Says of Bethel “AND THERE HE SPAKE WITH US!” He’s Saying, The MESSAGE OF BLESSING That Old Jacob Received, Was “FOR US!” He’s Attempting to Get the ISRAELITES to LOOK UP, and Realize, that GOD HAD SO BLESSED THEM, that there was NO OTHER OPTION But to RETURN UNTO HIM!!! So My Word today, FLEE FROM IDOLS LITTLE CHILDREN, AND SERVE OUR GREAT GOD!!! Blessings to All, Shalom!
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