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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Town Named Ignorance In The State Of Blindness In The Country Of Faithless

There was a small town named Ignorance in the state of Blindness in the country of Faithless. In this town lived an old man who's name was Mr. Knowledge and was the only man in the town that had a backyard filled with many majestic trees that bared alot o...f juicy delicious fruit. He was the only man in the entire town that knew the processing of farming and growing. No other man or woman in this town had ever farmed or learned to farm and did not know how this one old man (mr. knowledge) was the only one in the entire town that had majestic trees that bared fruit. One day a young man about 18 years in age from the town, who's name was Wisdom sought out the old man and asked him if he wouldnt mind teaching and telling him how his yard became filled with majestic trees with beautiful fruit. Mr. Knowledge looked at the boy and was happy to see that not only were people in the town impressed with his trees but that there was actually someone interested in learning how to grow the trees for himself. Wisdom was so delighted that Mr. Knowledge would teach him that he started doing cartwheels on Mr. Knowledges lawn. Mr. Knowledge told the boy to wait where he stood and that he would be right back. Wisdom was standing outside just marvelling at mr. Knowledge's trees, walking and picking some fruit off them as well and enjoying the great taste of them. Out came Mr. Knowledge with a tiny envelope and handed it to Wisdom. He told Wisdom that he shall go, till his yard, fertilize with it horse manuere and plant whats in the envelope in the ground. He continued to instruct Wisdom to make sure he planted where there is sun, and to make sure each morning he watered the ground. Wisdom couldnt stop thanking Mr. Knowledge for this and promised to tell the entire neighborhood and town all that he did for him.   Upon arriving home, Wisdom anxiously opened up the envelope to see what was inside when he was startled to find tiny small seeds, smaller than his fingernails. Something isnt right, he thought to himself. He kept visualizing the majestic trees in mr. Knowledges yards and looking at the tiny little things in his hands and couldnt see how it was possible that those tiny little things he held can produce those humongous trees he saw. Wisdom ran back to mr. knowledges house because he felt that there was some sort of mistake, that mr. knowledge in his old age must have given him the wrong envelope. Mr. Knowledge laughed and told Wisdom that it was the right envelope and to trust him and do exactly as he was told to do. Once again, Wisdom felt delighted because he trusted the old man and was happy to see that Mr. knowledge was so willing to help him.   Wisdom went back to his neighborhood and in his zeal and jubilation showed everyone the seeds that mr. Knowledge gave him and told everyone that soon he too will have the majestic trees in his yard, the same ones mr. Knowledge has that they all marvelled at. The entire neighborhood laughed him to scorn. Walking back dejected and feeling humiliated he went back to mr. Knowledge telling him how everyone laughed at him when he showed them the seeds. Mr. Knowledge instructed the boy to trust him and to look at their bare yards and to look at his yard which was full of the majestic trees with fruit. Once again, Wisdom left mr. Knowledge rejuvenated and proceeded to go home and follow the instructions given to him.   Back at home, he tilled, fertilized planted and watered exactly like he was told while his neighbors all watched and laughed. Wisdom heard their laughters and shouted that they were morons and they will see tomorrow when they all wake up and see his yard full of majestic trees like Mr. Knowledge has in his yard. One neighbor went up to Wisdom and asked him if he was really that naive to believe that those tiny things that were smaller than his fingernails would actually turn into the majestic trees that were in Mr. Knowledges yard. Wisdom would have no doubt on this day. He was filled with faith. The next morning, Wisdom woke-up all excited and couldnt wait to look outside his yard to see his trees and make the neighborhood eat their words. As Wisdom walked outside, he became greatly disappointed to see nothing. His yard was as bare this day as it was the days before however this day he would be subjected to greater laughter from his neighbors for believing Mr. Knowledge. Wisdom, remembering the old mans instructions, went and watered the ground. The next morning, Wisdom again awakes with great anticipation and excitement, looks outside his window and sees nothing. Wisdom again became discouraged while continuing listening to everyone ridicule him as well. 6 weeks went by and Wisdom kept waking up , looking outside and seeing nothing, being laughed at by his neighbors but finding some strength to continue going outside and watering his ground. Finally, Wisdom had it. He came to the end of the rope believing. Its now 7 full weeks of being ridiculed, waking up watering but seeing absolutely nothing. No strength left to water or go outside and endure the ridicule, Wisdom quits. Crying in his bed feeling completely let down by Mr. Knowledge and embarassed looking like the towns fool, Wisdom finally goes to sleep. The next day, Wisdom wakes up and there is a peace inside him which he doesnt know from where it came. Still dejected and discouraged, he looks outside and sees for the first time something springing forth from the ground. He runs outside to see it and it was a tender sprout of green that came out of the ground, known as the blade. Not the majestic tree baring plentiful fruit but something enough to give Wisdom renewed hope. Jumping up and down in his yard celebrating, his neighbors looked at him as he was a lunatic and laughed even harder. For sure we all will see the majestic trees tomorrow, wisdom shouted back at his neighbors and thought to himself. The next morning Wisdom awakes all excited that this is the day that he will eat of his own fruit in his own yard from his own majestic trees and silence the neighbors once and for all, only to become greatly dissapointed when he looked outside his window, and saw the exact blade he saw the day before. What the hell? Wisdom thought. This is complete bull. Ive been had by mr. knowledge. I knew that those small tiny things he gave me were impossible to produce those majestic trees he had in his yard, Wisdom says to himself. Running to Mr. Knowledges house to voice his displeasure, Mr. Knowledge looked at Wisdom and said to him to continue watering his ground and not to be impatient. Not to be impatient? 7 full weeks have already passed, ive become the nieghborhoods laughingstock and Mr. Knowledge is telling me i am in need of more patience? Wisdom thought to himself.   It took 3 more weeks before wisdom got to see a bud and 3 more weeks after that to get to see a flower. The plant was everything but majestic and there was no apples, pears, figs or pomegrates on them to eat. His neighbors continued to laugh and ridicule but not nearly as much as even they began to marvel at Wisdoms transforming yard. Wisdom continued to doubt and get frustrated but with each step of the process he found renewed strength and hope. It took many many many many years before Wisdoms trees became majestic that bared plenty fruit. In fact, when he became Mr. knowledges age, was when Wisdoms trees were fully majestic and the fruit were plentiful and at their sweetest. By than, Mr. knowledge's body was long gone in the grave but he forever lived in Wisdoms and the other believing neighbors yards.   My brothers and sisters..Please listen. When we first are planted the tiny seed of faith in our souls, we all go with great zeal and delight and jubilation and start telling everyone around us how awesome our God is. We in our own ignorance and in our zeal, begin bashing our neighbors and friends with the Scriptures over their heads acting as though we are mightier, better and hollier than them. They look at us and laugh because they see no change in us, and we see no change in us either because we only see the outside not whats taking place in the inside of us. We become discouraged and frustrated and tired of the ridicule we brought upon ourselves. We are called hypocrites and rightfully so. We preach but are not found doing what we preach. We stumble in believing and hoping against hope oursleves yet have the audacity to judge and ridicule others for not having faith and showing trust. We hate those who hate us, love only those who love us, have faith and peace when we are on top of the mountains, but are found in anxiety and mental and emotional turmoil when we are in the storms of life, no different than those we preach to. The world doesnt understand the process because they live in Ignorance but we too live in the same town and are just as Ignorant as they are to the process and the amount of patience needed, in becoming majestic trees in faith. The only difference is that we were GIVEN the wisdom to go seek the way from the only one who knows the right way, so even in that, we cant boast.   The day will come when we are majestic trees of faith that bare plenty fruit, but until that day, let us continue watering our own yards, so we can continue growing, and the impact of the people seeing the transformation with their own eyes will become much greater than what we as a body have managed to accomplish thus far in this world with our mouths.   God loves you ALL and always remember God is Truth for without TRUTH there is no love!!!

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