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Monday, April 30, 2012

Observe carefully that it is when the Assyrian is broken that his yoke departs from the necks of Israel.

Observe carefully that it is when the Assyrian is broken that his yoke departs from the necks of Israel. This cannot be until the end, for there is still a remnant of Israel in the land of Assyria. When God regathers His people, He will "recover the remnant . . . from Assyria," and from the other lands to which they were scattered. Until that time, the judgment on the Assyrian, the final judgment awaits. Moreover, God tells us that this purpose has to do with the whole earth, and all nations. This is undoubtedly when Christ comes to resolve every problem in view of His kingdom. The whole earth will be dealt with in the judgments of that day, and all nations will be gathered to the great sessional judgment foretold in Matthew 25.
JESUS CHRIST OUR SAVIOR the Son of the Living God is COMING...Are you ready?

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